When uncertainty defines the new normal, building the next version of you becomes critical.

Journey Ahead™ is a consultancy process designed to transform your company, unlocking new business opportunities and implementing action plans to make it happen.

Join a 28-day transformational program crossing innovation, business and creativity.

Decisions made today will define your success tomorrow. Companies can no longer operate the way they used to; they must move quickly and in the right direction.

Contact us now to activate your Journey Ahead™.

DAY 01

the new reality

External Tasks

Smart trend-watching hinged on real examples of new practices, products, companies, models, technologies, etc., that could prove useful in order to grasp what’s coming and how it will affect us.

Internal Tasks

Interviews with relevant internal stakeholders in order to identify what the company is already doing in terms of disruption, and what and where it should start to explore.


A map of insights and trends capable of having the most relevant impact in our business, both in the short-term (3-6 months) and mid-term (1-2 years).


A new attitude within the company: looking for trends and external best practices as new “sensors” to identify areas or actions to be explored.

Comprehend the new reality and define hypotesis.

DAY 08

Unveil the new opportunities

External Tasks

Dynamization of a workshop aimed at debating about the new reality; based on the output generated in phase 1. The teams will discuss on the relevance, suitability, potential problems, barriers, of the suggested/adapted examples and will determine a list of opportunities that the company could explore.

Internal Tasks

Active participation in the workshop, in addition to individual work sessions based on the results of phase 1.


A map/list of selected opportunities for the company, considered as potential new-business tracks or growth strategies, including clear pitches as to why they need to be further explored in the following phase.


A training on specific tools to assess the relevance and potential business value of an opportunity.

Rank opportunities according to internal capabilities, skills, and assets (viability and feasibility).

DAY 15

Validate lean business cases

External Tasks

Develop “fast&dirty” business cases for the selected opportunities. These “napkin” figures should help the organization further consider the potential value-add of the identified opportunity tracks.

Internal Tasks

Contributing to the analysis by adding professional know-how on previous company experiences related to the selected opportunities (past learnings). Active participation in a workshop to debate the lean business cases, applying scenario planning or even rapid experimental prototypes.


A list of potential opportunities ranked in accordance to their economic or/and business relevance.


A training on how to evaluate opportunities from a dual perspective: economic (impact on P&L) and business (disruptive leads), considering organic and inorganic growth strategies.

Experiment with scenarios and chose your destination.

DAY 22

Roadmap to

External Tasks

Propose a road map of required actions to be undertaken in the short-term (3-6 months) and mid-term (1-2 years). Suggest a list of potential partners with the right skills or assets that could join the endeavor.

Internal Tasks

Determine the actual roadmap to be followed by the company, by building upon the road map proposed by the external team and crossing it with internal milestones and plannings. Determine the steps needed to make it happen, the path to follow, as well as the KPIs to measure the evolution.


A roadmap for the short and mid-term, with detailed explanation on the goals, assets, and responsibility schemes (governance).


Rapidly transform detected opportunities in the market (phase 1) into an actionable road map for transformation

Define the roadmap and KPI’s to measure the transformation.

DAY 28

Launch the action plan

External Tasks

Recommendation of potential partners that may contribute to success through their expertise.
Creating teams, motivating, and delivering tools for fast development of business cases and prototypes.
Strategic and creative brand exercises.
Accompanying the team in roadmap implementation.

Internal Tasks

Organization of teams, drawing of capabilities and responsibilities. Building first MVPs and prototypes.
Measuring results through rapid metrics. Defining go-to-market strategies and activities.


A selection of ready-to-go prototypes that could be tested in the market in the short and mid-term.


Developing team-capabilities to rapidly turn proposals into prototypes.

Activate the change and the evaluation protocols.